Learning So Much
2nd Year B’nei Mitzvah: What is Jewish about Using Social Media?
To learn about posting, we are…
Identifying ways gender pressures and norms influence how teens interact with and post on social media and group messaging platforms
Reflecting on how social media and group texting affects their individual lives
Applying Jewish ethics and values around speech and interpersonal communication to posting
Ask you student…
How do you feel about social media?
What does Judaism “say” about social media?
1st Year B’nei Mitzvah: Delving into Mitzvahs
To learn about becoming a Mensch & Shalom Bayit (Peace in the Home), we are...
Creating “ripple” art of good deeds.
Decorating hamsas with the Shalom Bayit prayer.
Choosing three specific good deeds (mitzvahs) to do this upcoming week.
Ask your student...
What is a mensch?
What are you going to do this week to work toward being a mensch?
What does “Shalom Bayit” mean?
What does working as a team have to do with Shalom Bayit?
5th Grade: Resilience
To learn about the concept of “Do not stand idly by,” we…
Learning about the Holocaust hero, Irena Sendler, who smuggled children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, and producing skits about heroes standing up for important causes.
Discussing what it means to “not stand idly by,” and why it is important to take action.
Creating murals showing causes we will stand up for--and how.
Watching a cartoon of a child talking to a holocaust survivor, and considering why it’s important to talk about the holocaust and ensure we never forget.
Ask your student...
Who was Irena Sendler, what did she do?
Why is she – and others like her – considered a hero?
Why is it important to “never forget,” and how does it relate to avoiding standing idly by?
4th Grade: Famous Jewish People
To learn about famous Jewish icons, we are….
Identifying famous Jewish figures and their varied contributions to society in the many fields. For example, Albert Einstein in science and Daniel Radcliffe in entertainment.
Exploring modern day Jewish icons through a categorizing game.
Playing a matching game in which we try to match Jewish figures with their accomplishments.
Ask you student...
What are different ways in which Jewish figures have contributed to society?
Who is a famous Jewish figure that you look up to?
3rd Grade: The Ancient Temple
To learn about The Temple, we are...
Excavating “ancient artifacts”, similar to how archaeologists excavate artifacts from the Temple in Jerusalem.
Hearing the history of the Kings of Israel and how they built the Temples in Israel.
Discussing the different ways the ancient Israelites celebrated holidays and rituals in the Temple.
Creating our own “artifacts” to show people in future what Jewish life looks like now.
Ask your student...
Who built the Temples in Jerusalem?
What kinds of practices would happen inside the Temple?
In modern times, what do many Jews do when they visit the Temple instead of offering a sacrifice?
2nd Grade: Ancient Jewish People
To learn about the Temple and Diaspora, we are…
Reenacting the destruction of the Temple which led to the Diaspora.
Seeing what the Temple looked like when it was first built.
Making our own 3D Temples!
Ask your student...
What was so special about the Temple in Jerusalem and what happened to it?
Why don’t all of the Jews live in Jerusalem anymore?
Kindergarten/1st Grade: The Jewish Diaspora
To learn about the diaspora, we are...
Learning about where Jews live in the world.
Singing a song that shows us wherever we go in the world, there will be someone Jewish.
Playing a game to learn the different traditions Jews do around the world for Passover.
Ask your student...
What does “diaspora” mean?
In what ways are Jewish traditions from around the world the same and different?
Where are our ancestors from?
Preschool/Pre-K: What is Tzedakah?
To learn about Tzedakah, we are...
Making thank you cards for someone in our lives who has been kind to us.
Brainstorming ways to be nice to others.
Playing games that let us act out ways to be kind to others.
Singing kindness songs and creating dances to them.
Ask you student…
What is tzedakah?
What are some ways to do tzedakah?