JKG Teen Leadership Academy: 8th-10th Grade
Sunday mornings 9:30 AM - 12:00PM
Leadership skills, hands-on job experience, and new Jewish friends. Your teen will get it all in our immersive Teen Leadership Academy!
Participants in JKG's Teen Leadership Academy (TLA)…
Form lasting Jewish friendships
Strengthen Jewish knowledge through interactive learning opportunities
Gain valuable insights from community leaders
Support teachers and students in JKG's B Mitzvah program
This program is ideal for teens who want to make Jewish friends, increase their Jewish knowledge, mentor younger students, earn volunteer hours, and enhance their leadership skills.
The Leadership Academy is comprised of several elements:
Teaching Experience and Mentorship
Teens gain hands-on job experience as they assist teachers and work with students in JKG’s B Mitzvah program. In doing so, they learn about Jewish holidays, traditions, Hebrew language, and more. They also serve as mentors to B Mitzvah students. Teen leaders may guide B Mitzvah activities, attend field trips, and help B Mitzvah students with their Personal Interest Projects (PIPs).
Additional Teaching Experience (Optional)
Teens have the option to gain additional experience by helping at JKG’s Afternoon program (not mandatory). JKG Afternoon Community takes place weekday afternoons from 2:30-6:00 in Brookhaven, Sandy Springs, Morningside, and Decatur.
Leadership Academy Training
Teens attend an annual Teen Leadership Academy training in August. The training covers a variety of important topics including classroom behavior management, teaching interfaith families, and how to handle emergency situations. All participants of Teen Leadership Academy are required to attend this training.
Leadership Development Workshops
Roughly once a month, teens will learn about a specific topic like teaching students with special needs, how to talk about Israel, or how to create a welcoming classroom. These sessions are often led by guest speakers from the community. Also during this time, teens will discuss their experiences in the classroom, ask questions, and receive feedback from professionals and their peers. Teens are expected to attend at least four workshops during the year.
Book Club
Teen Leaders will read and discuss a book that touches on Jewish topics to expand their understanding of Jewish representation in literature and to explore interesting Jewish concepts.
Learning Grants (Optional)
This optional program component allows leadership academy participants to pursue an independent Jewish learning opportunity. JKG will share information about eligible online or in-person leadership development conferences, classes, and programs and help interested teens apply for grants to cover travel, registration, and other expenses.
Peer-Led Programming (Optional)
By teens, for teens! Teens will have the opportunity to plan and lead an event for leadership academy participants to attend. JKG will support the planning and preparation of the event and provide guidance to teen planners. The team-building opportunity might include a visit to an escape room, a museum tour, a picnic at the park, or other activity that allows the group to connect and build Jewish friendships.
2025-2026 Program Details
Location: Morningside
When: Sunday mornings, 9:30am-12:00pm
Grades: 8th-10th grade
Start Date: August 24, 2025 (Program runs August 2025-May 2026: View calendar here)
Tuition (Over 10 Months): $130/month (includes security fee and all program fees)
Billing & Payment Policies: View detailed JKG billing and payment policies here.
Questions? Email teens@jewishkidsgroups.com or call 404-403-6468 with questions.