Tuition Assistance and Discounts

Need-based Tuition Assistance

Make Jewish education more affordable for your family.

Please review the information below before submitting your tuition assistance application. 

  • Tuition assistance is available for JKG Afternoon Community, JKG B Mitzvah, and JKG Teen Leadership Academy. If current tuition rates pose a challenge for your family, please register for the program you want to attend and apply for tuition assistance.

  • Tuition assistance is awarded based on specific financial criteria, including family income. Extenuating circumstances and other personal specifics may also be considered. Typical awards range from 10%-50%. 

  • Tuition assistance is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You will receive application status updates following submission. 

  • All families must complete the application form and register for JKG to be considered for tuition assistance. Families who have filled out the form in the past must complete a new form every school year. 

  • For the 2025-26 school year, forms will be reviewed starting April 15. You will be notified after May 1 of your award amount.

Tuition Discounts

 JKG offers the following tuition discounts:

  • JKG Sibling Discount - Additional children beyond the first child enrolled in JKG Afternoon Community (program only, does not include transportation fees) or JKG B Mitzvah receive a 10% discount (per child).

  • JKG Employee Discount - Children of JKG staff members receive a 75% discount on all programs.

  • Temple Sinai Preschool Discount - Children who attended Temple Sinai Preschool in the past receive a 10% discount (per child).

Please contact or 404-913-9554 to learn more or ask questions about tuition assistance and discounts.