Tuition Assistance and Discounts
Need-based Tuition Assistance
Make Jewish education more affordable for your family.
Please review the information below before submitting your tuition assistance application.
Tuition assistance is available for JKG Afternoon Community, JKG B Mitzvah, and JKG Teen Leadership Academy. If current tuition rates pose a challenge for your family, please register for the program you want to attend and apply for tuition assistance.
Tuition assistance is awarded based on specific financial criteria, including family income. Extenuating circumstances and other personal specifics may also be considered. Typical awards range from 10%-50%.
Tuition assistance is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You will receive application status updates following submission.
All families must complete the application form and register for JKG to be considered for tuition assistance. Families who have filled out the form in the past must complete a new form every school year.
For the 2025-26 school year, forms will be reviewed starting April 15. You will be notified after May 1 of your award amount.
Tuition Discounts
JKG offers the following tuition discounts:
JKG Sibling Discount - Additional children beyond the first child enrolled in JKG Afternoon Community (program only, does not include transportation fees) or JKG B Mitzvah receive a 10% discount (per child).
JKG Employee Discount - Children of JKG staff members receive a 75% discount on all programs.
Temple Sinai Preschool Discount - Children who attended Temple Sinai Preschool in the past receive a 10% discount (per child).
Please contact or 404-913-9554 to learn more or ask questions about tuition assistance and discounts.