Happy Purim!
2nd Year B’nei Mitzvah: How Do You Celebrate Purim?
To learn about Purim & The Havdalah Blessings, we are…
Reviewing the Purim story and discussing traditional customs we do on the holiday.
Making acrostic poems all about Purim.
Preparing for our B’nei Mitzvah celebration by reviewing the Havdalah ceremony
Ask your student...
Why are you doing a havdalah ceremony as part of your b’nei mitzvah?
Which part of the havdalah ceremony are you helping lead?
1st Year B’nei Mitzvah: Diving into Purim
To learn about the four Mitzvot of Purim, we…
Learning the difference between the standard solar calendar and the Hebrew lunar calendar, highlighting the month of Adar (which Purim falls in).
Discussing the 4 Mitzvot of Purim – tzedakah, gift-giving, reading the megillah aloud, and feasting – and considering how the mitzvot are distinct from the traditions of Purim.
Reviewing the Purim story, and acting out Purim scenes as charades before we hear the Megillah (Purim story) on Purim.
Preparing for another Purim mitzvah, having a seudah (big festive meal), by creating menus of what we would serve at a Purim seudah.
Discussing different charities to which we could give tzedakah money on Purim (another Purim mitzvah).
Ask your student...
What is the difference between the calendar we use daily and the Hebrew calendar?
What month is Purim in?
What are the 4 mitzvot of Purim, and what are some traditions of Purim?
What are the 4 mitzvot of Purim?
What does the theme of “Community” have to do with the Purim mitzvot?
5th Grade: Celebrating Purim
To learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim, we are…
Learning that the “megillah” means the Purim story is writing, and discussing Purim mitzvot and traditions.
Writing “postcards to Queen Esther,” from the viewpoint of the persecuted Jewish people in Queen Esther’s kingdom, and taking silly Purim photo booth pictures
Discussing courage and respecting all kinds of people (as it relates to the Purim story), and then creating interpretive dances and skits about Queen Esther’s courage.
Ask your student...
How did Queen Esther show courage in the Purim story?
In the Purim story, the Jewish people were persecuted; what is one way to show respect to all kinds of people?
4th Grade: The Story of Purim
To learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim, we are…
Watching a fun video to review the Purim story, looking at an interesting infographic of the “numbers” of Purim, and playing a group “Purim story” game.
Learning about that the megillah is the story of Purim, and creating our own “megillah” scrolls that tell our personal stories of courage (just as the Megillah of Esther tells the story of Esther’s courage).
Discussing what it means to have Ometz Lev (courage) like Queen Esther, and related having courage to our own daily lives.
Ask your student...
How did Queen Esther have courage in the Purim story?
What is the Megillah?
3rd Grade: Queen Esther’s Story
To learn about the holiday of Purim, we are…
Discussing how and why Queen Esther had to hide her Jewish identity in the Purim story.
Discussing our own identities and playing a game about our favorite aspects of being Jewish.
Recreating scenes from the Purim story with items from our house.
Ask your student...
What was Queen Esther hiding in the Purim story?
Why do we sometimes hide things about ourselves?
How can we show we are proud of who we are?
What was Queen Esther hiding in the Purim story?
2nd Grade: Exploring the Holiday of Purim
To learn about Purim, we are…
Hearing the story of Purim and discussing the holiday’s customs and traditions
Re-telling the story of Purim in our own words by dressing up as a character from the story.
Learning about the 4 Mitzvot of Purim, and making Purim cards.
Ask your student...
What happened in the story of Purim?
Why do we dress up on Purim?
Kindergarten/1st Grade: Discovering Purim
To learn about the holiday of Purim, we are...
Watching the story of Purim and discussing the major plot points in the story of Purim.
Learning about the 4 Mitzvot of Purim: Hearing the megillah read aloud, having a festive meal, giving gift baskets to friends, and giving charity.
Creating our own crowns and talking about what we would do if we were Kings or Queens.
Ask your student...
What happens in the Purim story?
One of the mitzvot of Purim is to give charity to the poor, what charity might we like to donate to?
Preschool/Pre-K: What is Purim?
To learn about Purim, we are...
Watching a video to learn the story of Purim.
Singing Purim songs to celebrate.
Playing freeze dance by pretending to be different Purim items.
Ask your student...
What is a hamantaschen?
Who was Esther?