Welcome Back From Passover Break!
2nd Year B’nei Mitzvah: PIP Presentations
To learn about our presentations for our B’nei Mitzvah ceremony, we are…
Learning about what is expected for our presentations.
Working on our presentations during class with help from our teachers and classmates.
Discussing the next steps of our presentation and what we need to do to finish our PIP.
Ask your student…
What do you need to do to finish your presentation?
1st Year B’nei Mitzvah: Community Service Workshop
To learn about our B’nei Mitzvah Personal Interest Projects for next year, we are…
Discussing what it means to be a good volunteer.
Hearing from “Repair the World” fellows about intentional volunteerism.
Narrowing down our PIP topics to 3 possible options for next year.
Ask your student…
What does it mean to volunteer with “kavanah” (intention)?
What are some ideas you have for your PIP next year?
5th Grade: Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
To learn about B’Nai Mitzvahs, we are…
Interviewing each other about our Jewish role models and discussing the importance of doing mitzvot (good deeds) in Judaism
Reflecting on what values and rituals create a special relationship with Judaism for us
Creating a group skit, story, or painting, about Jewish food, candles, and blessings as rituals
Ask your student...
Are there any rituals that you would like to start doing as a family?
How many mitzvot does the Torah command? What is an example of one?
4th Grade: What is a B’nei Mitzvah?
To learn about B’nei Mitzvahs, we are...
Illustrating our own reflective self portraits; looking at ourselves now and as we grow.
Learning what a b’nei mitzvah is, and how we can create our own unique experience
Discussing Jewish role models in our lives, and what we admire about them.
Ask your student...
What kind of service project are you interested in?
What do you want to learn from the experience of having a B’nei Mitzvah?
3rd Grade: Bringing in Peace
To learn about peace in the home, we are...
Discussing what it means to have peace in our home and brainstorming ways to resolve conflicts at home to help create a peace atmosphere for our families in our homes.
Playing the game “Concentration” using words related to peace.
Reading “Words of Wisdom” for getting along with others and living peacefully.
Ask your student...
What is Shalom Bayit?
What is one strategy you learned to help calmly resolve issues and will help us have a peaceful home?
2nd Grade: Shalom Bayit
To learn about Shalom Bayit (peace in the home), we are...
Watching a great Jewish cartoon from the Shaboom series about Shalom Bayit.
Discussing ways that we can treat our family members respectfully and nicely.
Reading a book about appreciating the people in our family.
Decorating a prayer for peace in our homes.
Ask your student...
What does it mean to have peace in the home?
What are some ways we can make sure that we keep peace in our home?
Kindergarten/1st Grade: The Story of David & Goliath
To learn about the story of David and Goliath, we are...
Discussing some of the scary or challenging things we have had to face in our lives
Listening to the story of David and Goliath and discussed how David relied on his faith in Gd to face the giant
Acting out the David and Goliath story while playing a movement game.
Ask you students...
Talk to your children about some scary or challenging situations that you have had to face, or that they have had to face, and how do you find the courage to face them.
Discuss the concept of bullying and how difficult it can be to stand up to a bully. Read the book, One by Kathryn Otoshi.
Preschool/Pre-K: Who were David & Goliath?
To learn about David and Goliath, we are…
Watching the story of David and Goliath and discussing what bravery is and why it's important.
Playing David and Goliath Freeze Dance and making our own kingdom castles!
Making crowns like the one that King David wore when he was the King of Israel, and creating our own silly laws for our “JKG Kingdom.”
Ask your student...
Who was David? What did he do?
How was David brave in the story? Why is it important to be brave?