JKG Sunday 9.27.20
Second Year B’nei Mitzvah Class: Personal Interest Projects
To learn about doing research for our Personal Interest Projects, we are…
Watching videos on how to do successful searches and how to find credible sources.
Experimenting with different search terms to see these principles in action.
Playing a game with real and fake articles and learning how to distinguish between them.
Making a keyword web alert for our PIP research.
Ask your student…
Tell me about your research plan for your Personal Interest Project.
How can our family be involved in your project?
First Year B’nei Mitzvah Class: Intro to Blessings & Shema
To learn about the Shema & Jewish blessings, we are…
Listening to the Shema and meditating on it.
Playing drama games to learn the basic words of Jewish blessings.
Creating brachot (blessing) comic strips, and discussing a variety of blessings for different occasions.
Discussing the meaning and purpose of the brachot (blessings), and playing blessing-themed group games.
Ask your student...
What is the Shema prayer about?
What does unity have to do with the Shema?
How do Jewish blessings usually start?
Did you learn any blessings that surprised you?
5th Grade: Responsibility to Solve Conflict
To learn about our responsibility to solve conflict, we are…
Acting as judges for different scenarios and discussing how we would solve certain hypothetical problems.
Listening to a story of conflict resolution from Jewish history, and discussing what we think of this resolution.
Discussing steps to resolve conflicts that have been proposed by rabbis.
Playing group games to practice the art of compromising.
Ask your student...
What are some steps you can take to solve a conflict?
Have you ever had a conflict with someone that you had trouble solving?
4th Grade: Jewish Symbols and Rituals
To learn about Jewish symbols and rituals, we are…
Reflecting on our own beliefs and how we act on them on a day to day basis
Making visual representations – with a twist – of different Jewish ritual items, such as mezuzahs (a small box that goes on a doorpost and holds a prayer), Kiddush cups (cups used for blessings over wine), and kippahs (traditional head coverings, also known as yarmulkes).
Playing group games to practice categorizing food as Kosher or not Kosher.
Ask your student…
Do we have any of these ritual objects in our home?
How can we incorporate these objects into our daily lives and Jewish holidays?
3rd Grade: The Jewish Calendar
To learn about the Jewish calendar, we are…
Hearing some interesting facts about lunar months (since the Jewish calendar is a lunar-based calendar).
Playing a jeopardy game about the moon phases.
Discussing how the holiday Rosh Chodesh – which happens the first day of every Jewish month – is traditionally celebrated, and where it comes from.
Ask your student...
Can you name at least one custom we partake in to commemorate Rosh Chodesh?
What does the moon look like at the beginning of a new Jewish month?
2nd Grade: 10 Commandments
To learn about the 10 commandments, we are…
Coming up with the “ingredients” we need to make the world a better place, and comparing them to how the 10 commandments serve as ingredients for being a good person.
Playing 10 Commandments games to learn each commandment and its meaning.
Singing and dancing along to a song that helps us remember the 10 Commandments.
Ask your student...
Which commandment do you think is the most important? The least important? Why?
Why is it important to follow rules/laws? What purpose do they serve?
Kindergarten & 1st Grade: All About Yom Kippur
To learn about Yom Kippur, we are…
Watching a Lego story about Jonah and the Whale, which is typically read on Yom Kippur.
Discussing the importance of asking for forgiveness.
Playing “I’m Sorry” freeze dance!
Ask your student...
What do we do on Yom Kippur?
How does the story of Jonah and the Whale relate to Yom Kippur?
Preschool/Pre-K: Yom Kippur Forgiveness
To learn about Yom Kippur, we are…
Watching a video to learn the story of Jonah and the Whale.
Learned about Yom Kippur and what we do during it.
Learned about Tashlich, the tradition of washing away the things that we are sorry for. (Learn all about tashlich here!)
Ask your student…
What is Yom Kippur about?
What is the story of Jonah and the Whale about?