Celebrating Purim at JKG!

1st Year B’nei Mitzvah Class

To learn about the four Mitzvot of Purim, we…

  • Discussing the 4 Mitzvot of Purim – tzedakah, gift-giving, reading the megilah aloud, and feasting – and considering how the the mitzvot are distinct from the traditions of Purim.

  • Creating pyramid-shaped “hamantaschen” tzedakah boxes, to prepare to complete the mitzvot of “tzedakah,” donating money, on Purim.

  • Reviewing the Purim story, and acting out Purim scenes as charades before we hear the the Megillah (Purim story) on Purim.

  • Making our own Mishloach Manot (food gifts given on Purim; another Purim mitzvah), and discussing different charities to which we could give tzedakah money on Purim (another Purim mitzvah). 

Ask your student...

  • What is the difference between the calendar we use daily and the Hebrew calendar? 

  • What month is Purim in? 

  • What does the theme of “Community” have to do with the Purim mitzvot?

  • What are the 4 mitzvot of Purim, and what are some traditions of Purim?


On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.

5th Grade: Discussing Purim

To learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim, we are…

  • Learning that the “megillah” means the story Purim story is writing, and discussing Purim mitzvot and traditions.

  • Writing “postcards to Queen Esther,” from the viewpoint of the persecuted Jewish people in Queen Esther’s kingdom, and taking silly Purim photobooth pictures.

  • Discussing courage and respecting all kinds of people (as it relates to the Purim story), and then creating interpretive dances and skits about Queen Esther’s courage.

Ask your student...

  • How did Queen Esther show courage in the Purim story?

  • In the Purim story, the Jewish people were persecuted; what is one way to show respect to all kinds of people?


On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.

4th Grade: Reading from the Megillah

To learn about the Jewish holiday of Purim, we are…

  • Watching  a fun video to review the Purim story, looking at an interesting infographic of the “numbers” of Purim, and playing a group “Purim story” card game. 

  • Learning about that the megillah is the story of Purim, and creating our own “megillah” scrolls that tell our personal stories of courage (just as the Megillah of Esther tells the story of Esther’s courage). 

  • Discussing what it means to have Ometz Lev (courage) like Queen Esther, and related having courage to our own daily lives. 

Ask your student...

  • How did Queen Esther have courage in the Purim story?

  • What is the Megillah? 


On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.

3rd Grade: The Holiday Purim

To learn about the holiday of Purim, we are…

  • Playing a “Find Queen Esther” game and discussing how and why Queen Esther had to hide her Jewish identity in the Purim story.

  • Discussing our own identities and playing a game about our favorite aspects of being Jewish. 

  • Recreating scenes from the Purim story in Legos and magazine collages, and decorating masks that are to “hide our faces--not who we are!” 

Ask your student...

  • What was Queen Esther hiding in the Purim story? 

  • Why do we sometimes hide things about ourselves?

  •  How can we show we are proud of who we are?

  • What was Queen Esther hiding in the Purim story?

Hebrew Vocabulary

  • Animals - Chayot - חיות

  • Cow - Para - פָּרָה

  • Duck - Barvaz - בַּרְוָז

  • Horse - Soos - סוּס

  • Fish - Dag - דָג

  • Cat - Chatool - חָתוּל

  • Dog - Kelev - כֶּלֶב

  • Snake - Nachash - נָחָשׁ

  • Frog - Tzfardayah - צְפַרְדֵעַ

  • Chicken - Tarnagolet - תַרְנְגוֹלֶת

  • Bear - Dov - דוֹב

  • Tiger - Namar - נָמֵר

  • Lion - Aryeh - אַריֵה

  • Butterfly - Parpar - פַּרְפַּר

  • Bird - Tzipor - צִפּוֹר

2nd Grade: Experiencing Purim

To learn about Purim, we are…

  • Reading the story of Purim, and re-telling it in our own words using funny Purim-character masks.

  • Learning about the 4 Mitzvot of Purim, and making Purim cards to go with mishloach manot (gifts of yummy food for our friends on Purim). 

  • Talking about Purim customs and traditions, and making funny “Hamantaschen Hats” to wear. 

Ask your student... 

  • What happened in the story of Purim?

  • Why do we dress up on Purim?

Hebrew Vocabulary

  • Animals - Chayot - חיות

  • Cow - Para - פָּרָה

  • Duck - Barvaz - בַּרְוָז

  • Horse - Soos - סוּס

  • Fish - Dag - דָג

  • Cat - Chatool - חָתוּל

  • Dog - Kelev - כֶּלֶב

  • Snake - Nachash - נָחָשׁ

  • Frog - Tzfardayah - צְפַרְדֵעַ

  • Chicken - Tarnagolet - תַרְנְגוֹלֶת

  • Bear - Dov - דוֹב

  • Tiger - Namar - נָמֵר

1st Grade: Celebrating Purim

To learn about the holiday of Purim, we are...

  • Listening to the story, The Story of Esther by Eric Kimmel, and discussing the major plot points in the story of Purim.

  • Learning about the 4 Mitzvot of Purim: Hearing the megillah read aloud, having a festive meal, giving gift baskets to friends, and giving charity.

  • Making gift bags with cards and treats for our friends to fulfill one of the four Mitzvot of Purim.

Ask your student...

  • What happens in the Purim story? 

  • One of the mitzvot of Purim is to give charity to the poor, what charity might we like to donate to?

Hebrew Vocabulary

  • Animals - Chayot - חיות

  • Cow - Para - פָּרָה

  • Duck - Barvaz - בַּרְוָז

  • Horse - Soos - סוּס

  • Fish - Dag - דָג

  • Cat - Chatool - חָתוּל

  • Dog - Kelev - כֶּלֶב

  • Snake - Nachash - נָחָשׁ

  • Frog - Tzfardayah - צְפַרְדֵעַ

  • Chicken - Tarnagolet - תַרְנְגוֹלֶת

Kindergarten: Why do we celebrate Purim?

Today to learn about Purim, we are…

  • Learning the story of Purim through reading a book and watching a video, and then playing a silly “Ha-Ha-Hamentaschen” circle game.

  • Making our own groggers so that we can make noise when we hear Haman’s name, and then playing freeze dance with them.

  • Reviewing the part of the Purim story when Mordechai is given a parade by acting it out in the game “Mordechai’s Horse.”

Ask your student...

  • What happens in the Purim Story? 

  • Who was Haman? 

  • What do we do when we hear his name on Purim?

Preschool/Pre-K: What is Purim?

To learn about Purim, we are...

  • Watching a video to learn the story of Purim, and then singing Purim songs to celebrate.

  • Creating I-Spy groggers with symbols from the Purim story inside and playing freeze dance with our groggers.

  • Going on a Hamentaschen scavenger hunt for pictures of the three-sided Purim cookie around our classroom.

Ask your student...

  • What is a hamentaschen?

  • What are some items in your I-Spy grogger?