JKG Sunday 1.5.20
2nd Year B’nei Mitzvah Class
To learn about our Personal Interest Project, we are…
Wrapping up our research portion of our project.
Starting our presentation portion of our project.
Ask your student…
How do you feel about your topic? Do you feel prepared to start your presentation?
How are you going to present your information at the ceremony?
On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.
1st Year B’nei Mitzvah Class
To learn about the Jewish values, Betzelem Elohim (being made in the image of Gd) and Kavod HaBriyot (Respect for all People), we are...
Playing group games that teaches us about what connects all of us, and how to respect and appreciate our differences.
Challenging ourselves to find a Kavod HaBriyot mitzvah to make our own, and perform for the whole rest of the week.
Doing fun group games to illustrate the idea of being created in someone’s imagine, since “Betzelem Elohim” means being created in the image of G-d.
Playing charades to go over scenarios in which we show honor and respect to other people, since “Betzelem Elohim” teaches us that everyone has a piece of G-d in them, and everyone deserves respect.
Ask your student...
What is Kavod HaBriyot?
What way are you going to show Kavod HaBriyot this week?
What healthy habits are you going to try this week?
What responsibilities do we have if we’re b’tzelem Elohim--made in G-d’s image?
On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.
5th Grade: What is a Kibbutz?
To learn about Kibbutzim, we are..
Learning what a Kibbutz is -- a communal living settlement – and discussing what it would be like to live in a place where everything is shared.
Playing the “Pocket Game” to better understand communal sharing. Each student places something on the table, and then everyone takes a turn coming up for an unconventional use for someone else’s object.
Acting out different types of jobs that we might perform if we lived on a Kibbutz, for example, milking cows, tending crops, and cooking.
Ask your student...
What is a kibbutz?
Do you think that you would like to live on a kibbutz?
On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.
4th Grade: A Core Jewish Value
To learn about avoiding gossip, we are…
Playing a game of telephone to see how rumors can spread and morph.
Playing an “agree/disagree” game to express our opinions on gossip and to discuss what to do if we hear gossip.
Creating an anti-gossiping poster to hang in our classrooms.
Ask your student…
What are ways to stop a friend from hurting someone through speech, by spreading rumors, or gossiping?
What do you think you should do if a person is hurting you by Lashon Hara?
On Sundays, we split into leveled Hebrew groups. Every group goes at their own pace through learning the Hebrew letters, reading letter combinations, and conversational Hebrew. If you want to know exactly what your student is learning in their Hebrew group, reach out to Sunday@jewishkidsgroups.com.
3rd Grade: Being Truthful
To learn about the core Jewish values of Emet (truthfulness) we are:
Playing group games that involve lying, and discussing how it feels to lie and be lied to.
Imagining situations where we are lied to, and thinking through how we would feel and what our reactions would be.
Challenging ourselves to avoid even telling white lies, by role playing situations where we may want to lie, but instead decide to tell the truth.
Playing a game of telephone and drawing comic strips to represent how even the tiniest of lies can be blown way out of proportion, and how it can be hard to break the habit of lying once you start.
Ask your student...
What does Judaism teach us about telling the truth?
What could happen if you tell a even a small lie?
Family - Mishpacha - מִשׁפָּחָה
Mother - Imma - אִמָא
Father - Abba - אַבָּא
Sister - Achot - אָחוֹת
Brother - Ach - אָח
Grandmother - Savtah - סַבתָא
Grandfather - Sabah - סָבָּא
2nd Grade: Exploring the 10 Commandments
To learn about the 10 commandments, we are…
Coming up with the “ingredients” we need to make the world a better place, and comparing them to how the 10 commandments serve as ingredients for being a good person.
Playing 10 Commandments games to learn each commandment and its meaning.
Singing and dancing along to a song that helps us remember the 10 Commandments.
Ask your student...
Which commandment do you think is the most important? The least important? Why?
Why is it important to follow rules/laws? What purpose do they serve?
Family - Mishpacha - מִשׁפָּחָה
Mother - Imma - אִמָא
Father - Abba - אַבָּא
Sister - Achot - אָחוֹת
Brother - Ach - אָח
1st Grade: What are the 10 Commandments?
To learn about the 10 commandments we are…
Thinking of our own rules we would have for the world.
Learning about the 10 commandments from the Torah.
Creating our own 10 commandment craft!
Ask your student…
What are the 10 commandments?
Why do we have the 10 commandments?
Can you name one of the 10 commandments?
Family - Mishpacha - מִשׁפָּחָה
Mother - Imma - אִמָא
Father - Abba - אַבָּא
Kindergarten: Learning Some Hebrew
To learn Hebrew numbers, we are…
Going on a number-based scavenger hunt around our classroom.
Drawing “1,2,3 About Me!” pictures showing different things about ourselves that come in groups of different numbers.
Playing Hebrew hopscotch using Hebrew numbers and creating a class counting chant with actions.
Ask your student...
Can you count to five in Hebrew?
What is the Hebrew number for how many people are in our family?
Preschool/Pre-K: Counting in Hebrew
To learn about Hebrew Numbers, we are…
Coloring alef bet sheets that represent the Hebrew numbers
Learning a song about the Torah
Playing bingo with Hebrew numbers
Ask your students...
Do you remember a Hebrew number?
How does the Torah remind you of number 5?